Baker's Lane Public Toilets

The Town Council manages the public convenience situated in the Cottis Lane Car Park. The block was refurbished in 2013 and provides 3 unisex cubicles, a unisex disabled toilet (RADAR) and also incorporates a fully equipped changing places facility


Guidance for the use of Changing Places facility

The changing place facility is not for independent use and the user should be accompanied by a carer.

  • Changing Place toilet facilities are intended for disabled people who require the assistance of a carer to use the toilet. To use the Cottis Lane facility, users need to register with Epping Town Council to obtain a key for access to the unit. Evidence of high rated Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independent Payment must be provided before a key is issued. Keys are not to be transferred between users.
  • Anybody wishing to use this Changing Place Facility should be appropriately trained in the use of specialist equipment including hoists and changing benches. If you are not sure how to use the equipment you should not attempt to use it.
  • As a Carer using the facility you will need to satisfy yourself that the slings you are using are compatible with the hoist. Epping Town Council does not supply slings for health and safety reasons. If there is any doubt as to the compatibility of slings then the hoist should not be used. Please note that the staff at Epping Hall are not trained in the use of the equipment available and will not be able to offer advice or assistance.
  • Before using the facility please use the protective paper provided and remove the paper after use.
  • All soiled/disposable material should be placed in the sanitary waste bin provided. Please take all soiled clothing away, and please consider others and leave the room neat and tidy.
  • As a Carer/user it is your responsibility to ensure safety at all times, especially when using the hoist. Under no circumstances should the weight limit of the equipment be exceeded. Hoist maximum weight 31.5 stone (200kg) and the changing bench maximum weight is 30 stone (190kg).
  • In order to maintain a high quality of service please contact our staff at Epping Hall if the equipment is damaged or faulty, or call 01992 579444. You can also contact us by email.