Live Tenders


1) Summary Information
Reference: 2024/ETC/EH
Title: Epping Hall Offices Reconfiguration Project 2024
Advertisement of tender: 27/08/2024
Closing Date: 17/09/2024 at 10am
Contract Start Date: November 2024 (approx)
Contract End Date: March 2025 (approx)
Lowest value: £15,000 Highest value:
The contract may be subject to OJEU regulations (and will be treated accordingly) and is published on the Contracts Finder Website in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. (It may be a contract with a value over £25,000).
SME enterprise suitability: Yes (Small and Medium Enterprises)
VCSE enterprise suitability: No (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)

2) Location & industry
Location: Epping Hall reconfiguration project, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex.
Site entrance postcode: CM16 6JU
Industry: Local Government (Town Council)

3) Summary description
Description: Reconfiguration of the main offices at Epping Hall to provide a
more usable and suitable workspace for the office team.
The site: Epping Hall are the main offices of Epping Town Council and are situated within a large community building. The current offices form a very small section of the overall building. The building was completed in 1999 and the offices are no longer adequate in size and layout for the operations of the Town Council team.

This is a basic reconfiguration project to provide more usable and suitable working space for the increased members of staff. This will involve moving internal partition walls and resiting existing facilities into more suitable and workable locations broadly in the footprint of the existing offices (small addition on one side).

The current offices accommodate six members of staff (approx 4 FTE). The rest of the building is a busy community space where rooms are hired by the community on a daily basis. The project should be able to be delivered while existing operations continue as the staff can be easily relocated into an alternative part of the building while the office works take place.

The reconfiguration will include some additional entry to the building measures to reflect the building’s use.

Epping Hall is located off Epping High Street in St Johns Road. (Postcode CM16 6JU). There is limited parking at the front of the building, but sufficient for vans to unload and park for the purposes of this project.

4) Detailed description of works
Listed. See Appendix 1

5) Diagrams and drawings
Existing site plan as Appendix 2

6) Project Manager contact details
Contact name: Epping Town Council
Address: Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex. CM16 5JU. England
Telephone: 01992 579444 Website:
The project will be undertaken by Epping Town Council. It will be managed by the Town Clerk and Council’s Key Member for Epping Hall.

7) Financial Details
Epping Town Council will be financing these works from their operational budget and reserves, rather than additional borrowing.
• The price agreed will be a fixed sum and will not be subject to any adjustments unless alternative designs and requirements are issued.

8) Methodology and conditions
• A pre-tender site visit may be requested from the Town Clerk (Project Manager).
• Planning permission may be required for additional windows at the side of the offices (Epping Town Council will make this application).
• Access to the site: Is via St Johns Road, Epping, CM16 5JU.
• At tender stage, the contractor must supply a method statement detailing:
1) Each stage of work and how it will be delivered
2) Provide details of a Health and Safety plan to safeguard the contractor and the public
3) Indicate any areas of work that will be sub-contracted and provide details of those sub-contractors
• It is the contractor’s responsibility to survey the site and determine wall types (internal/load bearing, etc) and any electrical/water/utilities that may be affected
• Working hours to be agreed in advance (these works may require weekday and weekend working at pre-agreed times) This is a residential area and contractors are reminded to respect our neighbours at all times. Care must also be taken to avoid any trespass or additional nuisance. (Following the control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 60 – in relation to noise.)
• Epping Town Council will agree a base area for use by contractors and their vehicles. Use of the site is for the designated works only.
• Contractors must follow relevant Government regulations and guidelines when disposing of any associated materials, for which they will be procedurally and financially responsible.
• Once awarded, the successful contractor must ensure they are satisfied with all the information they have been given, made all the necessary site investigations, undertaken the necessary surveys/assessment necessary to determine building and load bearing capacity.
• Failure to deliver the agreed proposal will be subject to legal documentation.
• All workmanship and partnership working will be managed by the contractor who will take responsibility for their credibility and work.
• Use of protective health and safety clothing, including high visibility jackets and safety helmets will be required if appropriate
• Contractors are required to have £10 million of public liability insurance (to include themselves). Copies of insurance documents for contractors and any sub contractors must be submitted to Council before works commence.
• The contractor must ensure the site and its environs are properly secured and protected at all times, indemnifying Council against any claim for loss, damage, theft or similar. Materials must be stored safely and in the case of any potential harmful substances, in accordance with any relevant legislation.
• The contractor is required to undertake their own health and safety risk assessments and manage these throughout the project.
• Contractors must comply with any traffic regulations including the loading
and unloading of vehicles and waiting on the public highway.
• Contractors are required to work in accordance with any additional method statements provided by Epping Town Council. Council pride themselves on excellent relationships with our partners and residents and all contractors are respectfully reminded that whilst working for Epping Town Council, those standards must be upheld.
• Any instructions issued by the Town Clerk are final.
• Any changes to the tender will be published and if tendering contractors are known, each will be issued with the same revised information.
• Any relevant drawings, details of material and equipment with any relevant guarantees, should be supplied with the tender documents.
• Prior to the commencement of works, the contractor will provide the Town Clerk with details of the site manager.
• The contractor must advise the Town Clerk if they are aware of anything that will require planning permission, in addition to that already stated.
• Works must comply with any relevant Standards.
• The contractor will oversee the work of any sub contractors and manage any issues or rejected works.
• The contractor will be responsible for service checks and supplying insurance documents and guarantees for works they have undertaken, if appropriate.
• Any sub contractors (electrical) will be responsible for service checks and supplying insurance documents and guarantees for works they have undertaken, if appropriate.
• Any damage to the site, public or private roads, footpaths, land, kerbs, fences, services or similar must be reinstated to their present condition and made good. This applies to damage caused by the contractor or subcontractors. All surfaces, such as roads and footpaths must be kept clean and free of debris.
• All rubbish and debris must be arranged by the contractor.
• Respect must be given to users of adjoining facilities and their nuisance minimised.

9 Submission of tenders
(i) Tenders by post
Tenders to be submitted in writing, by post, addressed to the Town Clerk and sent to the address above. If this method is used, please use a tracked service that will arrive in advance of the closing date. This will remain sealed until after the closing date in accordance with Council procedures.
(ii) Tenders by email
Tenders to be submitted by email, addressed to the Town Clerk and sent to marked CONFIDENTIAL and using the reference number stated above. This will remain unread until after the closing date in accordance with Council procedures.

10) Requirements in addition to tender
Epping Town Council request two references from contractors’ current or previous clients in a related field.

11) Evaluation criteria
• Tenders will be evaluated by full Council
• Preference will be given to the tenders which most closely match Council’s requirements and those which will provide a high level of customer service to Epping Town Council.
• References will be used in the evaluation process.
• Tenders will considered in conjunction with Council’s Procurement Policy, which gives preference to local contractors.

12) Contract details
Terms and conditions of the contract to include termination, delivery, service monitoring and reviews will be determined post award of contract.

13) Notification
The successful contractor will be notified as soon as possible after the full Council meeting which follows the closing date. Bidders will be notified of any delays. Unsuccessful bidders will also be notified post contract award. Feedback will be available.

14) Acceptance
Epping Town Council are not obliged to accept any tender, if it does not satisfy
their detailed requirements.
Appendix One - List of Works
Appendix Two - Existing Site Plan Diagram
This tender document