Live Tenders

Stonards Hill recreation ground, Stonards Hill, Epping, Essex. CM16 6SP
Epping Town Council are looking for a qualified tennis partner to deliver a tennis coaching programme at Stonards Hill recreation ground on a year-round basis.
Epping Town Council refurbished the tennis courts in 2020 and offer free public play alongside the opportunity for formal coaching for those who would like it. There are two tennis courts, used solely for tennis, operated by gate key access codes, managed through the Lawn Tennis Association’s ClubSpark access system.

We are looking for a tennis coaching partner who will provide a comprehensive community focused tennis development programme and tennis coaching service.
This document should be read in conjunction with Appendix 1.

Date required to start: as soon as practically possible (end of June 2024, ideally)

SECTION A: Epping Town Council’s requirements:
Coaches will be permitted to book at prearranged times. This will be subject to details.

An indicative schedule is provided as per Appendix 1. The financial terms regarding this arrangement are also outlined in Appendix 1. This will be subject to details.
  • The coaching programme should accommodate people of all ages and abilities
  • The successful coach/es must book out the courts required for sessions using the ClubSpark venue management system (Admin access and support will be available)
  • The successful coach will manage the whole ClubSpark booking system (both their own coaching and public play)
  • Coaches must provide all the necessary equipment to deliver their tennis programme
  • Coaches must wear appropriate tennis attire and footwear and act in a positive manner at all times, as a community partner of Epping Town Council
  • The tennis provider will undertake regular checks of the courts and carry out day to day upkeep, such as keeping the courts in a clean, safe and tidy condition. All other works (apart from litter/pick up maintenance) should be reported to Epping Town Council’s grounds team
  • The courts may only be used for tennis, no other use is permitted without prior consent from the Town Clerk
  • Coach/es should provide an annual risk assessment and operate an organic risk assessment throughout the year
  • All promotional information on tennis coaching must be displayed in our park noticeboard, at the tennis courts and be kept up to date on social media
  • The tennis coach must be willing to work with Epping Town Council and the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) on considering any tennis schemes that may support the goal of improving tennis provision at this venue
The successful providers:
  • Will be led by an LTA Level 3 or above accredited tennis coach
  • All members of the coaching team should be LTA accredited and will provide a list of these coaches and their DBS information to Epping Town Council at the outset and when any circumstances change (new coaches/new qualifications/new status, etc)
  • Will have experience of providing community-focused tennis activities and know how to overcome participation barriers
  • Will keep up to date with LTA initiatives to increase participation in tennis at this venue
  • Will have a charging policy that has been agreed by Epping Town Council
  • Will ensure coach to pupil ratios are in line with those recommended by the LTA
  • Will provide Epping Town Council with a six monthly coaching schedule and progress report
  • Will provide Epping Town Council with their cancelled session policy
  • Will work in a positive and mutually supportive way with Epping Town Council and its partners
  • Will provide Epping Town Council with their public liability insurance (£10 million), safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults and DBS check information for all relevant coaches

Application process: Please submit your tender in writing by email or post to arrive by the date below. Email:

Contact: Beverley Rumsey, Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Closing date: Monday 3rd June 2024 at 10am

What to include: Please ensure you include in your tender, how you will achieve the
requirements in Section A and what your proposal is (SEE APPENDIX 1)

Additional information: Epping Town Council reserve the right to not award the contract and ask additional information of the tenderer for clarification purposes.
Any additional tender requirements will be advertised/available to all.
This Tender Document
Appendix 1



Christmas Lights for Epping 2024 ONWARDS

1) Summary Information
Reference: 2024/ETC/CL
Title: Epping Christmas Lights 2024 Project
Advertisement of tender: 23/02/2024
Closing Date: 25/03/2024 at 10am
Contract Start Date: Nov 2024 (approx)
Contract End Date: Jan 2025 (approx)
(Length of contract to be determined. (2-3 years probable, TBC)
Work schedule installation: Between 10th and 20th November 2024
Work schedule takedown: Between 6th and 12th January 2025
Pre assessment: Post March 2024 to assess condition of lights

Part One:
Lowest value: £1000
Highest value:

Part Two:
Lowest value: £1000
Highest value

Part Three:
Lowest Value:
Highest Value: £2000 (to include product and install/takedown)

Please note that Council are happy to accept a quote for one or more Parts.
Please note: Council will need to purchase icicle lights and some of the standard strings of lights. This may be from the tenderer or separately. Please tender for install.

Please provide a price for: 10m string lights, 20m string lights, icicle lights.

The contract falls under the OJEU thresholds and is not subject to the use of Contracts Finder under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (It is a contract with a value under £25,000).

SME enterprise suitability: Yes (Small and Medium Enterprises)
VCSE enterprise suitability: Yes (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)

2) Location & industry
Location: Epping
Industry: Local Government (Town Council)

3) Description
Description: Delivery of the Christmas Lights 2024 for Epping Town.
Part One:
Epping Town Council require a contractor to illuminate the main Christmas Tree on the Piazza in Epping High Street. (Tree will be approximately 25 feet).

The tree must be dressed by hand and in accordance with the method statement issued by Epping Town Council. The lights must be removed by the agreed date.

Part Two:
Epping Town Council require a contractor to illuminate selected large trees in the town, dressing the individual trees by hand in accordance with the method statement issued by Epping Town Council and any permission requirements from partners. The lights must be removed by the agreed date.

PLEASE NOTE: There may be a requirement to dress additional trees post the award of contract, which will be costed in addition.

Please note: Epping Town Council will own the lights to dress the trees.
Contractor to price per tree.

Part Three:
Epping Town Council require a contractor to put up icicle lights (approx 1.5-2m drop) in bare sections of the High Street (running from the District Council's civic offices to the small shops beyond Tesco) and the top of Station Road. (Price per section in metres required.) Town will be split into sections and Council will select sections to be lit, depending on price.

The lights must be removed by the agreed date.
The successful contractor will be required to undertake a post installation/takedown evaluation to identify any issues.

4) Methodology

  • Use of ladders or cherry pickers (Contractors must comply with Regulations regarding the use of ladders at work) or be licensed to use a cherry picker
  • Contractors will work in conjunction with Council’s electrician(s) (Electrical certification desirable/electrical awareness essential)
  • Use of protective health and safety clothing, including high visibility jackets and safety helmets, where applicable
  • Contractors are required to have £10 million of public liability insurance (to include themselves)
  • Contractors are required to work in accordance with any method statements provided by Epping Town Council. Council pride themselves on excellent relationships with our partners and residents and all contractors are respectfully reminded that whilst working for Epping Town Council, those standards must be upheld.
  • Any instructions issued by the Town Clerk or Town Supervisor are final.

5) Contact details
Contact name: Beverley Rumsey, Town Clerk, Epping Town Council
Address: Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex. CM16 5JU. England
Telephone: 01992 579444

6) Submission of tenders
Tenders to be submitted in writing, by post, addressed to the Town Clerk and sent to the address above. If you wish to tender, please request a pre-marked envelope from Epping Hall on 01992 579444. This will remain sealed until after the closing date in accordance with Council procedures.

Tenders to be submitted by email, addressed Private & Confidential FAO:
Town Clerk with the Reference: 2024/ETC/CL

7) Requirements in addition to tender
Epping Town Council request two references from contractors’ current or previous clients in a related field.

8) Evaluation criteria
  • Tenders will be evaluated by full Council
  • Preference will be given to the tenders which most closely match Council’s requirements and those which will provide a high level of customer service to Epping Town Council.
  • References will be used in the evaluation process.
  • Tenders will be accepted for each of the three parts (ie the tender may be broken down into lots).

9) Contract details
Terms and conditions of the contract to include termination, delivery, service monitoring and reviews will be determined once the contract has been awarded.

10) Notification
The successful contractor will be notified as soon as possible after the full Council meeting which follows the closing date. Bidders will be notified of any delays. Unsuccessful bidders will also be notified once the contract has been awarded. Feedback will be available.

Town Clerk Feb 2024 


Download a copy of this tender here.